Dress Your Daughter Up as an Inspirational Woman for Halloween

Dress Your Daughter Up as an Inspirational Woman for Halloween

This Halloween, why not dress your daughter up as an inspirational woman from history instead of a Disney princess? I love the idea and was inspired to post about it precisely because of this article I read that was aptly titled See the 5 Kick-Ass Women This Mom Dressed Her Daughter As Instead of a Disney Princess...

Inspirational Women: Coco Chanel

Inspirational Women: Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel, born Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel, is the founder of the well-known Chanel brand. She was a French fashion designer that "liberated" women from the constraints of the corset and popularized sporty, casual and chic post-WWI-era fashion for women...

Inspirational Women: Eleanor Roosevelt

Inspirational Women: Eleanor Roosevelt

"A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water." --Eleanor Roosevelt

Continuing our series on inspirational women, this week we'd like to celebrate former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who is actually the longest-serving First Lady, since her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was president for four consecutive terms, from 1933 to 1945...

Inspirational Women: Abigail Adams

Inspirational Women: Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams (the second president of the United States) and the mother of John Quincy Adams (the sixth president of the United States). But, she was more than just a wife and mother...

Expectations of Women: The Pressure to Be Perfect

Expectations of Women: The Pressure to Be Perfect

Q: What do you think of the social expectations of women to be the perfect woman/mother? Are women pressured to fulfill these expectations?

A: I bought into the social expectation of the perfect daughter, wife and mother by attempting to be who I should be instead of who I truly was. Until I changed my inner paradigm, I wasn't free...

A Journey of Self-Discovery: The Greek Goddess Psyche

A Journey of Self-Discovery: The Greek Goddess Psyche

I recently read the myth of the Greek goddess Psyche on GoddessGift.com. If you're not familiar with it, I suggest clicking through and giving it a quick read on their site. At the end of the story, they write..

A Taste of U.S. History: Strong Southern Women

A Taste of U.S. History: Strong Southern Women

I'm spending the week in Tennessee and Georgia in preparation for this coming weekend's I Can Do It! conference in Atlanta, where I will be signing copies of my book, Unbridled: A Memoir...

The Power of Effective Communication: Using I Statements

The Power of Effective Communication: Using I Statements

How many times have you sounded like your own mother when you've spoken to a mate or to children? Using phrases like: You never, you always, you should, you keep me from, you need to, you'd better...

Did the Goddess Athena Inspire Modern Feminism?

Did the Goddess Athena Inspire Modern Feminism?

The goddess Athena. We know her best as the goddess of wisdom. With a sword, a shield, and an owl, she guarded and protected the ancient city of Athens. Intelligent and rational, Athena ruled by reason rather than emotion or compassion...