Her Badge of Honor: 3 Warrior Women Put the “Her” in Hero 

Her Badge of Honor:  3 Warrior Women Put the “Her” in Hero 

There are lots of studies focusing on the benefits of young girls who play with female action figures.  Think Katniss Everdeen, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the equally confident version of Snow White in Snow White & The Huntsmen. But alongside these fictitious women of action are the fictional women of wits who also fight battles with a non-physical approach...

An Innerly “Pretty Woman” to Watch Julia Roberts

An Innerly “Pretty Woman” to Watch  Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has been boasted as the most famous actress in the world during her lifetime.  She is magically able to captivate audiences of young, old, male, female, the conservative and the liberal. Society’s Homecoming Queen so to say...

Dawn Halfaker - Allowing Tragedy to Shape her Success

Dawn Halfaker - Allowing Tragedy to Shape her Success

We all have likely experienced a setback in a dream or goal pursuit. It’s hard enough to uncover what your heart’s desire is, let alone take the necessary steps to achieve that goal. Thus, heartache is particularly penetrating when you’ve got the dream in your hands and it seems to turn to sand...

Severa Rodriquez - Guiding Guilt

Severa Rodriquez - Guiding Guilt

When dealing with battlefield injuries, we typically focus on physical suffering. But there is an inner wound that is just as crippling to daily life once it attacks its victim: Guilt, more specifically, Survivor’s Guilt. It is said that “Guilt is to the soul what pain is to the body,” and for Severa Rodriquez, this adage personally resonated...

Women to Watch 5 Female Inventors Who Will Inspire You to Reinvent Yourself

Women to Watch 5 Female Inventors Who Will Inspire You to Reinvent Yourself

As women, we are naturally drawn to ingenuity. How many of us can rattle off a list of female family members who crafted amazing recipes once unheard of or devised some new way to MacGyver home repair solutions? Our minds are wired for possibility it seems...

Five Reasons to Respect a Wounded Warrior's Wife

Five Reasons to Respect a Wounded Warrior's Wife

Think that caring for returned soldiers drains their wives' strength? Think again. It's no easy task, of course, but these women are forced to become rock-solid, ultra-capable forces of nature. Here are five reasons why messing with a wounded warrior's wife is NEVER a good idea...

Jessica Alba: The “Sweetheart” Sage

Jessica Alba: The “Sweetheart” Sage

Remember the girl in high school who all the guys loved, but the girls embraced just as easily?  Jessica Alba is our Sage who might as well be the Sage Prom Queen.  She is broadly adored by Hollywood and by the general public with her humble nature and strong presence.  Yes, you can have both! Here are 7 reasons Jessica Alba is a sweetheart of a Sage who teaches us you can have the best of both worlds...

Jane Goodall: 8 Reasons She’s Mother Nature’s Favorite Mother

Jane Goodall: 8 Reasons She’s Mother Nature’s Favorite Mother

You think Jane Goodall and you might picture Tarzan’s sidekick. While they share a common name, this Jane is also somewhat the Queen of the Jungle. She has 55 years and counting under her belt regarding extensive animal conservation efforts –most specifically in the chimpanzee arena...

Women to Watch: Susan B. Anthony: Teacher, Lecturer, Author Activist

Women to Watch: Susan B. Anthony: Teacher, Lecturer, Author Activist

With all the news coverage of women's rights being taken away I thought it's good to be reminded of the women who fought for our right to vote. Lets not take our right to vote for granite. Women in our past fought hard for our civil rights...