Jessica Alba: The “Sweetheart” Sage


Remember the girl in high school who all the guys loved, but the girls embraced just as easily?  Jessica Alba is our Sage who might as well be the Sage Prom Queen.  She is broadly adored by Hollywood and by the general public with her humble nature and strong presence.  Yes, you can have both! Here are 7 reasons Jessica Alba is a sweetheart of a Sage who teaches us you can have the best of both worlds:

  1. She makes being a sage her job – literally. Jessica found that she had a passion for informing mothers about safe products for their babies.  She turned that passion into her eco-friendly corporation, “The Honest Company”. When you are able to join a passion for giving with a career, it helps you hit the pillow a little sweeter each night. She’s not only respected for being a savvy businesswoman, but for launching such a respectable business period.
  1. She believes in prepping our mini-sage’s early – Jessica has two daughters (Honor and Haven) who she is teaching the art of giving on a daily basis. Honor just being old enough to hold conversations, will frequently have talks with mom about the how she is blessed to have things many other children may not have. Now, when she has outgrown clothing or is done playing with a certain toy, she will remind mom that it should go to another child who doesn’t have it.
  1. She’s a widely respected sex symbol – In Hollywood, it’s extremely hard to be both a “favorite” of men and women, but Jessica has managed to do just that. She’s a great example of how a woman can be a sex symbol and still seen as a respectable mom, impressive businesswoman, and down-to-earth friend.
  1. She has a black belt in forgiveness – When Playboy used an image of Jessica without her consent, she wasn’t happy about the insinuation she was nude in the magazine when that was not the case. Her lawyers urged her to take the issue to trial (and she would have won BIG) but instead Jessica decided to drop the case when she received a personal apology from Hugh Hefner who agreed to make donations to two charities Jessica supported.
  1. She encourages women to look THEIR part – When a 21-year-old girl made reports that she was planning to partake in plastic surgery that would result in her looking like Jessica in order to win an old boyfriend back, the star immediately spoke out with the importance of not altering your appearance for love. Own your confidence levels! That is the sexiest characteristic a woman can possess!
  1. She promotes being valued as an asset, not a piece of a** – Seeing that Jessica has been given an array of sex siren titles (Maxim’s #1 Hottest Woman, One of Men’s Health’s Top 100 Hottest Women, One of GQ’s Top 25 sexiest women in film of all time…we could seriously go on…) she remains very vocal about women taking themselves seriously within their business affairs. When she is in a meeting, she wants to inform the males in the room of how she is an asset to the project, how she will put people in seats, not give the impression someone could get lucky if they hired her. She’s all about enhancing self-value, especially when women are in the hot seat.
  1. She commends finding your own convictions – Jessica was raised by extremely religious parents, but in her heart she didn’t believe in berating pre-marital sex or homosexuality. When she took an acting role as a young woman with gonorrhea, the church reacted strongly to her and she left the church.  She has since developed her own faith outlet and encourages others to practice what they believe over what others may preach.

Thank you Jessica for serving as such a loveable and endearing Sage.  May we honor our own Sage who wants to show both her brains and beauty.

Stepping Stones

  1. Many women dream of owning their own company or running their own pursuit of some form. Jessica hit home with combining her love of all things eco-friendly with her new enterprise. What is a way you enjoy making the world a better place and how could you possibly make an employment opportunity out of those efforts?
  1. It’s great that Jessica is teaching her young daughters about giving at such an impressionable age. Can you recall a lesson you were given about generosity, compassion or tolerance when you were young? What did they say? (Bonus: If that person is still around, drop them a surprise thank you!)
  1. Jessica’s persona is a favorite of both men and women in Hollywood, not to mention both sexes in the fan base realm. Part of being a good Sage is having the ability to influence others for the highest good, which comes easily when you are well regarded. What characteristics do you believe makes a woman a “favorite” by both sexes? Do you possess any of these traits? Which would you like to start possessing?
  1. Jessica could have gotten a fat lawsuit check out of the Playboy debacle, but she chose to forgive instead. What is an ordeal you have given a big “get out of jail free” card to? How did you come to that place of forgiveness? If you are struggling with forgiving someone right now, how can Jessica’s actions influence your own?
  1. We’re glad Jessica quickly discouraged the young girl from her extensive plastic surgery. What is an outlandish thing you once did for love that embarrasses the “you” today because you know better now?