coco chanel

Dress Your Daughter Up as an Inspirational Woman for Halloween

Dress Your Daughter Up as an Inspirational Woman for Halloween

This Halloween, why not dress your daughter up as an inspirational woman from history instead of a Disney princess? I love the idea and was inspired to post about it precisely because of this article I read that was aptly titled See the 5 Kick-Ass Women This Mom Dressed Her Daughter As Instead of a Disney Princess...

Inspirational Women: Coco Chanel

Inspirational Women: Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel, born Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel, is the founder of the well-known Chanel brand. She was a French fashion designer that "liberated" women from the constraints of the corset and popularized sporty, casual and chic post-WWI-era fashion for women...